PresetsPack updates

I made a few tweaks to i2c_Lag and i2c_Proximity, and I noticed that with the way the pack is presented, the user will have to re-download them all and re-install. Which shouldn't be a problem but I personally don't dig it.
Also, I think its only fair that users should have a choice of what presets they're downloading. My OCD won't let me have plugins I don't use, so why should I force that on you.
To that effect, the presets will all have separate pages and download links, this should make downloading updates easier, and you can only download what you need.
There will be a zipped version available to download them all, but for update purposes, we'll have them all separate.

I haven't implemented this yet, but will in a few days. So keep an eye on Ideas to Creations for that.


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